South Park BESS Project

Open House Website

This website provides information and updates for RWE’s South Park BESS Project in Park County, Colorado.

Project Information

RWE Solar Development, LLC (RWE) is seeking your comment and input on the proposed South Park Battery Storage Project (the Project). RWE is proposing to construct a 200-megawatt (MW) battery energy storage system (BESS) and an approximately 0.33-mile transmission line connecting to the existing Hartsel Substation. The Project is located west of Route 9 and approximately 2.5 miles south of Garo, Colorado.

RWE will prepare a Park County Conditional Use Permit for the Project in accordance with Article 5 of the Park County Land Use Regulations. If approved, the Project would be expected to begin construction in the Summer of 2026 with a commercial operation date in the Winter of 2027. The Project would encompass approximately 20 acres of privately-owned land in Park County, Colorado.

Project Resources

RWE Website
About RWE (PDF)

Contact Us

Project hotline: (719) 451-3829

Comment Form

Virtual Public Open House

RWE is hosting a virtual open house for the Project in Park County. This will be an additional opportunity for the community surrounding the Project to learn about the Project and its benefits, and ask questions. A formal presentation is planned for this event.

When: Wednesday, July 17, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

Register: Virtual Public Open House

In-Person Public Open House

RWE hosted an in-person public open house for the Project in Park County. This was an informal opportunity for the community to learn about the Project, visit with the RWE team, and provide comments. Information will be on display. No formal presentation is planned for this event.

When: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.

Where: Park County Offices Board Room at 856 Castello Avenue, Fairplay, Colorado 80440

Open house map

Double-click the mouse to zoom closer. Click and drag the mouse, or use arrow buttons on the keyboard to move around.


Virtual Meeting Stations

Learn more about the project by reading the information in each station.

About Battery Storage

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South Park BESS Project Overview

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Permitting Process

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Purpose and Need

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Project Benefits

Learn More

Contact Information & Comments

Comments and questions can be submitted by:

  • Calling (719) 451-3829

  • Sending an email to

  • Completing the comment form on the Project website below.

For information about RWE, please visit RWE Clean Energy, LLC.

Big Star bess field setup