I-25 Escondida Interchange Phase I-A/B Study
NMDOT Control Number 1102030
Thank you for your interest in the I-25 Escondida Interchange Alignment Study.
Public Meeting Information
The NMDOT, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, hosted a virtual public involvement meeting on April 4th to present existing conditions and some of the improvement alternatives under consideration for the study area between milepost 151 and 153, and to receive questions and concerns from the community and users of the roadway. Please use the link below under Current Study Resources to access a recording of the meeting.
Comments can be submitted via the mailing address, email, or phone number listed below, or by using the comment form at the bottom of this web page.
SWCA Environmental Consultants, c/o Lara Thompson
Attn. Escondida Interchange
7770 Jefferson Street NE, Suite 410
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Please submit comments by May 4th, 2023.
Alignment Study Information
The study corridor for the I-25 Escondida Interchange (CN 1102030)
begins at milepost 151, just north of Socorro and extends north to milepost 153. It includes portions of County Road 91, NM 408, and Escondida Lane. The objective of the study is to evaluate the I-25 Escondida Interchange to improve safety, accessibility, and circulation. Additionally, this study will analyze the possible extension of frontage roads 2039 and 2040 to the Escondida interchange.
Some of the elements evaluated include interchange geometry and condition of the roadway, bridges, and drainage structures, multi-modal accessibility, and the need for frontage road extension over the Nogal Arroyo along I-25 or Escondida Lane.
Organizer Information
Richard Rotto, P.E. - AECOM Project Manager
Current Study Resources
Meeting #1 Presentation Deck (PDF) 04/04/2023
Public Meeting #1 Meeting Recording 04/04/2023
Public Meeting #1 Meeting Summary Report 04/04/2023
Leave a Comment
Please share your comments with us by email, mail, phone, or by using the online comment form below before May 4th, 2023.
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Attn. I-25 Escondida Interchange
7770 Jefferson Street NE, Suite 410
Albuquerque, NM 87109